What is Copywriting? Great Question.

Great. Another copywriter trying to promote themselves with a blog on their site. How original could this possibly be?

I’m sure you’re thinking that. And honestly, I would be, too. But hear me out for just a second. I know there are a million other things you can think of doing right now besides reading this. And if you can’t think of anything, check out this book for some inspiration.

I’m a copywriter, right? So what? Sit in front of a laptop, come up with a few words, send them to a client, and ride off into the sunset. Easy. Right? Not exactly. Despite how much ChatGPT wants you to think it is, it’s actually pretty difficult. And it’s difficult in proportion to its impact. Which is huge. The way I see it, copy is one of the most important tools in any business’s arsenal. At its core, it drives sales. What business can exist without any sales?

But there’s more to it than just bringing in revenue. It’s the intangibles beyond just the words on a page or screen. It’s deeper. More ethereal. It’s the emotions your brand invokes to new customers and loyal promoters alike. It’s the way a simple sentence can perfectly capture the essence of what you offer, even if you didn’t even realize it. It’s the way a slogan or advertising campaign can become viral and send you into the stratosphere just because of a few words.

“Think Different”

“Just Do It”

“I’m Lovin’ It”

With those eight words, I just made you think about (and maybe want to go buy) a new cell phone, the hottest pair of sneakers, and a nice juicy burger. It’s not magic. It’s not rocket science. It’s copywriting, baby. 

And in order to use copywriting to tell your story, a copywriter must be able to effectively tell their own story. Who they are. What passions they hold (besides writing, of course). And how their life experience will inform the way they generate the words that will move your mission forward and help your business grow to all it can be.

That is what the first part of this blog series is going to be about. My story. My inspiration. How I ‘discovered’ copywriting, even though I had been doing it for years without even knowing it. And how I want to use my gifts and the skills I’ve learned to uplift budding entrepreneurs chasing their dreams (just like I am). Stick around for a while, and let’s get to know each other.  

Congrats! You made it to the end. I hope it was worthwhile. Looking forward to all that is to come.




How to Become a Copywriter on Accident